

communication feature image 


Seventh-day Adventists will communicate hope by focusing on the quality of life that is complete in Jesus Christ.


The Communication Department functions as the centre for all internal and external regional news, press releases and publicity related to the Seventh-day Adventist church in southern England. We oversee the development of all internal and external communication, specifically including hardcopy and electronic print and various forms of broadcasting information for radio, television and Internet. 

One of the department’s main focuses is on training church members who are interested in communication or have been elected, within their churches, to serve as voluntary ‘Communication Leaders’. The SECmedia Academy is one type of training that seeks to equip attendees with the skills to write news, take accompanying photos, publicise events, create and maintain relevant websites and ultimately lead communication between their church and our Communication Department at regional level.

Sorin Petrof PhD

Sorin Petrof PhD

Communications & Media Director

Don Roberts

Communications & Media Assistant

Alberto Francis

HR Assistant & Secretary to Teens, Communications, Media, Men's & Ministerial Departments