
Human Resources

human resources feature image 

The primary role of the Human Resources Department is to handle Human Resources issues at all levels of employment. This includes a range of functions from recruitment to Health and Safety. The HR Manager also manages grievances, complaints and disciplinary issues. On the other side of this role, they ensure that all new employees of the South England Conference are well introduced into the organisation, arranging inductions and any necessary training for individuals.

The department looks after the Human Resources requirements of all staff who work for the South England Conference, which includes teachers, school staff, Ministers of Religion and office staff who are based at the Watford regional office. 

Working alongside the Executive Secretary, the Human Resources Manager ensures that the legal side of the organisation’s employment practices are kept up-to-date and relevant.


Staff Resources & Forms

SEC Empolyee Handbook (Head Office & Ministers)

SEC Employee Handbook (Schools)


BUC Policy

Policy Book

Individual sections are downloadable below:

Jacqui Crawford

Jacqui Crawford

Human Resources Manager

Alberto Francis

HR Assistant & Secretary to Teens, Communications, Media, Men's & Ministerial Departments