

Commitment Service, Wednesday - Camp Meeting 2019

Commitment Service, Wednesday - Camp Meeting 2019

James Shepley

Wednesday evening, Dr David McKenzie spoke of the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, under the title: ‘Hold on. Don’t be moved.’

His sermon was laced with a colourful mixture of Biblical insight, stories, and personal testimonies. Taking his cue from Joel 2.23, Pastor McKenzie derived three lessons from the ‘early and the latter rain’.

First, you need to understand the purpose of the rain. ‘We need the Holy Spirit to both live in this world and to be ready for the harvest, the coming of the Lord. We need the Holy Spirit for conversion and also to develop a Christ like character.’

Second, you need to prepare the soil, sow the seed, and wait for the rain. For a seed to germinate, it must first die, and then be placed in the right environment. If we want to be Holy Ghost filled, we must die to self, and live now in Jesus Christ.  Environment matters. ‘The people you associate with will have an impact on your life’, he said.

Third, to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, you need to be plugged into God. Don’t play at church!

He finished with an arresting appeal to commit to Jesus in baptism, relating the poignant story of his own father’s sudden death. ‘Tomorrow is given to no man. Today is the day of salvation’.

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