

ZUSDAF ZIMDAY Women's Emphasis Day of Fellowship

Theme: Looking Up to Bridge the Gap

ZUSDAF ZIMDAY Women's Emphasis Day of Fellowship


The ZIMDAY was held and conducted by the ZUSDAF women in Luton on 23th November 2019. It was a very vibrant and spirit filled day with Zimbabwean style singing, preaching, exchange of gifts among women and in-depth discussions in the afternoon. Women came dressed up in their green Dorcas uniform

The sabbath school service was held by Aylesbury Church Women whose presentations included a young teenage singing group.

The ZUSDAF WOMEN also welcomed theWomen's Ministries Director & Disability Coordinator Jacqueline Otokpa who was kind enough to attend as a guest of honour

Sis Sindi Mabena was the guest speaker for the day, although she was not well, she was determined that nothing was going to stop her from lifting the name of the Lord on that day.

Preacher spoke about the serpent that has come into the house that wants to destroy the home and church. The devil is not stopping us from coming to church but using the spirit of destruction from within.

We need to love each other and care for each other, just like the innkeeper who looked after the wounded. The good Samaritan asks the innkeeper tells the innkeeper that he will repay whatever is needed by the wounded.

We must look after each other as a church, and when we look after each and the wounded in church then God will come and repay you for whatever we have incurred to look after his people. She gave an example of the monitor lizard (mbulu makazana, burwa) which comes and drinks milk and blood off cattle until the cow dies without anyone knowing what wrong. In the same way the devil is wounding us and our families even though we are still studying prophecy, keeping the sabbath etc.

The afternoon discussion centred on relationships in the family and those we believe are in sin as well as how we treat each other. The youth had lot of questions on communication and adult/children relationships. The discussions were so intense that there was not enough time to exhaust the subject.

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