

Brothers Return to the Lord

Brothers Return to the Lord

Darell J Philip

As we come to the end of the first quarter, one of the main highlights of the year to date was the baptism of brothers Richard, 21 and Joshua Weekes, 20, on the first Sabbath of the year held at the Hackney Seventh-day Adventist church on Sabbath 2January 2021.

Among those celebrating the joyous occasion with the brothers, in a church which had a severely reduced capacity in compliance with Covid-19 restrictions, were their mother – Vivian Nelson and elder sister Stephanie Charles while members of the Hackney SDA Church watched on virtually through the online live Zoom and Facebook platforms. The brothers came to the decision to give their hearts to the Lord having had personal bible studies, as well as regular involvement within youth ministries activities over the years including a missionary trip to assist in the rebuilding of a church, struck by lightning in Kigali, Rwanda. 

Expressing her joy at the baptism of her sons, Vivian Nelson said: "It was a joy to see my sons accept the Lord as their personal Saviour. I was elated because I have tried my best to bring them up in the ways of the Lord and to see this day happen was a real joy that touched my heart. They have always been obedient children with a keen interest in wanting to know more about God and so it’s my prayer that God will keep them both and the rest of my family along this Christian journey." 

Stephanie Charles, 28, proudly sang a special item for both her brothers with their mother, Vivian, reading their chosen favourite scriptures. After their acceptance of the baptismal vows as presented by Hackney Elder – John Mathieu – the brothers were charged by Hackney’s Pastor – Joojo Bonnie – to hold on to the Lord knowing that in an age of distractions, especially through various social media platforms, they had made the best decision of their lives in giving their hearts to the Lord while they were still young. “God calls you young men because you are strong and all heaven is rejoicing with us here today,” he said. 

With those final words of admonition given, the brothers were then each baptised and welcomed not only into the membership of the Hackney Seventh-Day Adventist Church but more importantly had their names written into the Lamb’s Book of Life to the glory and honour of God, His heavenly host and our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.