

SEC Trustees elect a new Communications & Media Director

SEC Trustees elect a new Communications & Media Director

Dr Sorin Petrof, appointed SEC Communications and Media Director.

BUC Communications & Media Director, Pastor Sam Davies

SEC Trustees Elect a new Communications & Media Director

The Trustees of the South England Conference have appointed Dr Sorin Petrof as the new Communications and Media Director after the post became vacant on 22nd October. The Executive Committee made the appointment at a specially called meeting last night, 23rd November.

Petrof comes to the role after serving the London & East London Romanian and Harrow Churches for the past 14 years.  He holds a Doctoral degree in Communication and Media Studies from Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, France. He completed his MA in Theology at Newbold College of Higher Education and has experience working in the Radio and Television media.

Responding to his election, Petrof said, "I must say that I feel a bit overwhelmed when asked to take an administrative position at the Conference. It is a mixed feeling, transitioning from ministry at the local church where I have been serving the Romanian District for the past 14 years and the new role's task. On the one hand, I have the feeling that I am not quite prepared for this, in spite of my credentials in this area, but on the other hand, I do know that God is always leading us when we accept his call and I do believe that he is leading in the right direction. This is why I gladly accept this challenge".

The Communications and Media position became vacant after Pastor Sam O. Davies was elected at a British Union Conference (BUC) session in October to become the new BUC Communications and Media Director.

We wish Dr Sorin Petrof God’s richest blessings, as he assumes the role fully from 1st January 2022.

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