

Pathfinder and Adventurer Area Coordinators Meet for Plan and Prayer

Pathfinder and Adventurer Area Coordinators Meet for Plan and Prayer

28 SEC Adventurer and Pathfinder Coordinators and Director Pastor Clifford Herman met last weekend at Luton's Holiday Inn, to plan for 2022.

On 27 and 28 November Pathfinder and Adventurer Coordinators met at the Holiday Inn in Luton to pray and plan for the upcoming year 2022.

The past 2 years  COVID -19 had a considerable impact on the Pathfinder and Adventurer work in the SEC, for example,  numerous clubs struggled to start up again after the pandemic. The conversation also allowed us to consider the current active clubs and the potential for new clubs in the conference. In the SEC we have the potential for 177 clubs, at the moment we have just over 82 clubs actively engaging our children. Part of our strategy will therefore contain a concerted effort of visitation and local connection to discover the challenges and re-build these groups.

The need for making the clubs and curriculum accessible to children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities was highlighted and as result resolved by a strategically laid out plan of training leaders and raising awareness to support local children to enjoy and be part of the Pathfinder and Adventurer experience.

Prayer for the work, for leaders and for each other was a major part of the weekend, and as result we felt a united spirit and God’s presence in our midst.  The weekend also consisted of planning for PBE and ABE, Camporee, Pathfinder Fair, World Adventurer and Pathfinder Day, TLT, Master Guide and other exciting events. 

We believe God was present over these 2 days, and hope that the plans and strategies we laid carry his blessing and the actions will be compelled by his Grace and love for His people we work with.

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