

TOTTENHAM: ‘Sharing The Love’ In Our Community

TOTTENHAM: ‘Sharing The Love’ In Our Community

Tottenham Church holds event for the community to engage and provide a range of services including, health checks, take-away meals for the elderly, legal and business advice, and floral arranging.

LondonMaxine Donovan

Tottenham Church has not shifted its focus from the mission of 'Making Disciples and Building Community', despite the building being ‘under construction’ for four years. This was evident on Sunday, 20 March when Prayer Ministry held ‘Sharing the Love’; a day to mingle and engage with the community. The programme was supported by the other departments at Tottenham and also Churches in Area 6A; Holloway, The Lighthouse and Barnet. God answered our prayers by granting us a dry, sunny day, and in attendance nearly 100 persons representing a wide cross section of our community. The Registration Desk was manned by a member of the Church and two Muslim ladies; volunteers at our Food Hub. They were able to communicate with our visitors in Arabic, French, Spanish and English. The day was a resounding success. One person described it as ‘phenomenal’. One of the service providers gave this feedback, ‘I was really impressed to see what West Green Road was doing. There was so much energy in the room and people seemed engaged.’ 

On the day, we provided our elderly, sick and shut-in members with a take-away meal, which was delivered to their homes. At Church we offered a range of services, in addition to providing gifts and serving refreshments. Services included: Health Checks by a doctor and two nurses; General Legal Advice by a barrister and a solicitor; Education & Parenting Advice by teachers; Business Advice by two business owners; Prayer & Counselling led by a team which included Sis Linda Asare, SEC Prayer Coordinator; Floral Arranging Demonstration; Massage and Personal Ministries with books and literature. We also had a number of leaflets from Haringey Council, MIND Haringey and SEC Counselling for visitors to access. 

As a result of 'Sharing the Love' four persons have signed up for Bible Studies and two of those persons attended most of the Youth Week of Prayer in the evenings. Also, people showed so much interest in the floral arranging that a 6-week Floral Arranging Course is being organised at the Church. Participants will receive their certificates at the next ‘Sharing the Love’ event. A daughter of a shut-in member, who does not attend Church, rang the following day to say how much her mother appreciated the meal that was sent. Then she said, 'I heard that the Church will be opening on the 16 April. I am making sure that my mother comes, even if I have to bring her there myself. Please pray for me to be strengthened.' One visitor was so impressed that she made a donation of £10.

One of our ‘missing youth’ whom members of our 5am Prayer Group are earnestly praying for since we launched our ‘5 By Faith’ prayer initiative, made contact with us after receiving a digital poster about the event. He works for a supplement company, and he came and gave away samples such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Turmeric and Collagen. He gave this feedback: ‘It felt really good being there and seeing everyone,… I think the overall layout was really good, it gave people a chance to look and sit down to talk. I feel the prayers and blessing. Thank you guys for welcoming me yesterday.’ I now hear that he would like to come to Church again. 

Here are a few other comments:

‘...I feel that the event was a great success in so many ways. All those who spoke to me following a massage, medical check or legal advice were full of praise for the help and care. The refreshments went down well and it was good to see some of our Food Hub folk chatting to each other, enjoying food and smiling...’ 

‘We come to the Food Hub every week. If it wasn’t there we simply could not eat because prices have gone sky high, but our benefits have not changed. I like today because it was different to the Food Hub. You got other things. I loved the gifts, the plants. I’ll be coming back, definitely!’

‘I heard about this event through a family member. I went straight to the Prayer Stall. I have cancer. It felt so good when they prayed for me. I went over to see the doctor a bit later. I got lots of gifts and really had a great time. I met the Pastor. I want to know when your church is opening, I am coming.’

‘I wasn’t sure if I had to be Christian to come inside. I am not a Christian. I was so impressed by what I saw today, an event that is really for the community. I can’t believe all the people here are volunteers – doctor, lawyers volunteering like this. This was truly amazing and a great gift to the community.’

‘I grew up in this church, we never had stuff like this when I was growing up...I really like it’

The Prayer Ministry planned ‘Sharing the Love’ after Sis Sophia Charles, the Community Services Leader made a plea for the departments to use the Church building to engage more with the community. Community Services is already using the building twice weekly for the Food Hub. It provides on average, supplies to over 250 persons weekly, with numbers increasing as the local Council directs people to our service. 

Being guided by James 2:20 ‘...that faith without works is dead,’ we were impressed to plan ‘Sharing the Love’, but knew funding it would be difficult. ‘Our Father is rich in houses and lands,’ so we made our request known to Him. God had already gone ahead and touched the hearts of a family of business owners. They agreed not only to fund this event, but also the other three events that are planned for the last month of each quarter in 2022. God’s miracles did not stop there. The majority of the members who purchased and prepared food for 50 people, the drivers who delivered the meals and the service providers gave their time and effort for free. 

I am convinced that God has delayed our return to our Church building for a purpose. We have had time to reflect and to strengthen our relationship with Him. We now know that when we return to our building, it will not be business as usual. Our Church doors will not only be opened on Wednesday evenings for Prayer Meeting and on Sabbaths, but seven days of the week! Guided by the Holy Spirit, as we continue ‘Sharing the Love,’ we aim to become ‘the Church in the heart of the community’, not just by our location, but by the close bond we develop with the people we serve.

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