

Wood Green Church's Gospel Series "Metanoia"

Wood Green Church's Gospel Series "Metanoia"

Odele Prince

Wood Green Church's Gospel series "Metanoia" ran from 11th – 25th May. Guest speaker, Dr Clive Dottin from Trinidad, is known in that part of the world as the Gangster Pastor due to his commitment to fighting crime on the island. In his first presentation, he explained that “Metanoia” means a “change of mind” – “Meta” meaning “change” and “noia” meaning “mind.”

The entire series was packed with life-changing messages and special music of the highest calibre, including performances by Louane Sampson, Tanesha James, Gabriella Pedditzi, the Filipino & Asian Choirs, Joen Mangar, and Voices in Praise from Birmingham.

Here are summaries of some of the messages from the series:

“Singing in the Rain”:

Dr Dottin pointed out that when things are not going right, when you have difficulties paying your bills, and when justice is hurting you, you should endeavour to “Sing in the Rain.” He highlighted the writings of Paul, the great apostle, who stated that, for the Christian, perilous times will come and that we shall suffer persecution. However, we can gain comfort from the promises in Psalm 91 that “no harm will befall” us and “no disaster will come near” our “tent.” God has a plan for the Christian life that cannot be thwarted once we trust in Him.

Dr Dottin gave several examples of biblical characters and well-known Christians who all learnt or knew how to “Sing in the Rain,” including Daniel, the disciples of Jesus, John Huss, Helen Keller, and Fanny Crosby. They all sang in the rain, whether it was the rain of terror, the rain of persecution, or the rain of ill health, and so we too must be determined to do the same, even when our spouses die, when cancer metastasises, when our children leave the church, and when all hope disappears. We are to trust that God has the solution for our situation and that just as Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead through the power of the Holy Ghost (see Luke 7:11-17), we too can be raised out of our situations through the same victorious power.

“Anointing Service”:

On the first Wednesday evening of the gospel series, Dr Dottin held a special anointing service, inviting the presence of God to heal members of the congregation and to pray for breakthroughs in any area of their lives. His sermon entitled “Perfect Timing” was punctuated with moving examples, including Joshua in the Battle of Jericho, Daniel in the Lion’s Den, and the story of Esther. He emphasised that God is always on time; He is never too late. His perfect timing reflects His character: Omnipotent, Righteous, and Immortal.

Interwoven in his message was an exploration of the Battle of Armageddon, which he described as a spiritual battle rather than a political one, between Christ and Satan.

Throughout the series, Dr Dottin spoke to the youth, encouraging them to fulfil their God-inspired dreams, as well as praying for those who have left the church. He spoke of “The Prodigal Son,” who wandered “far from the father, far from his parent’s values, and far from God.”

He emphasised that “all that glitters is not gold” and that “no young person who’s left the church can handle Satan.” We can only handle the devil through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“The Grand Finale”:

Dr Dottin’s final message focused on the power of the blood of Jesus. He highlighted various blood diseases, including sickle cell anaemia, haemophilia, macrocytic anaemia, and leukaemia, all diseases that are difficult to live with. Nonetheless, he encouraged us with the assurance that Jesus has the keys to heaven, where there will be no more cancer, no more diabetes, and no more leukaemia. “When God says you must live, all the armies of the devil can’t kill you,” “there is power in the name of Jesus to heal and raise the dead.”

In his closing remarks, Dr Dottin spoke of how Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane asked for “this cup” to be taken from Him, if it was the Father’s will. In the same way, we may ask for our cup to be taken from us if it is God’s will. Whether it be the cup of cancer, diabetes, or sickle cell anaemia, God can be trusted in the midst of it, but we must always remember to sing in the rain!

The conclusion of the gospel series saw the baptism of five precious souls, including the mother of the Church Pastor, Vaughn Thorpe. “This moment I have anticipated for a long time, and it is now finally here. I’m so overwhelmed right now,” Pastor Thorpe expressed moments before baptising his mother, to the delight of family members and visitors in attendance on the day.

The dedicated Wood Green Gospel Series team were ably assisted by sister Church, Hackney SDA (also pastored by Vaughn Thorpe) at its conclusion.

Pastor Clive Dottin charged the newly baptised members (including 9-year-old Daniel Lindsay, 11-year-old Lex Vanderwhal, Carol Thompson, Yenny Santamaria, and Leonie Thorpe, mother of Wood Green’s Pastor) to hold on to their faith and serve Christ through reaching out to those in need.

At the end of the baptismal service, there were expressions of appreciation and gifts presented to Dr Dottin and the organiser of the entire series, Pastor Vaughn Thorpe.

This was a truly wonderful series from which many spiritual blessings were received, and it is hoped that Dr Dottin will come again to Wood Green.